Digital photo quality?

Web version Original quality Compressed original Small extract
web version of original image

675 x 450 x 31kB

Click to see the web version image.

click to see an extract from the original image

675 x 450 x 214kB

Click to see an extract from the original image.

click to see a compressed extract from the original image

675 x 450 x 16kB

Click to see an extract from the original image that has been compressed.

click to see a tiny extract from the original image

198 x 122 x 18kB

Click to see a tiny extract from the original image un-compressed.

The images on this web site are low resolution and have been reduced in size to make the site as bearable as possible. The images you see are barely a shadow of the quality we get from the Kodak CD. If we had used the original images each one would take an agonisingly long period of time to dsiplay on the screen when you clicked on it.

For example, the original images are typically 1536 x 1024 true color .jpg files of 620kB. To condition such an image for the web I will normally reduce them to 675 x 450 true color .jpg, and compress them to about 30%, giving a file size of 31kB.