
1 May
29 April
27 April
26 April
22 April

On to New Orleans
Can Francisco
Road map

1st May

Am in a hurry, so can't say much.

It is Sunday arvo and we catch a train to New Orleans tomorrow AM at 0400hours.

All goes well. Not sure how well we will be able to use internet as all the books say New Orleans is bad for cybercafes. So there may be a gap for some time.


29th April

It's Friday afternoon here and it is another wet and cold day.

We have finally booked a train to New Orleans on Monday morning - 0357 hrs! to arrive there at 2020 that night. We'll have three days there and then take a train to El Paso on the Friday.

Yesterday was fairly warm ie ~18oC or some such, so we went for a drive up to the Smoky Mountains to Cherokee Reservation. Moira was interested in having a look at some indigenous centres. Quite amazing really. The main road in is bordered by tourist shops, fibro teepees etc. Real tinsel town stuff with a casino to boot. A bit like the Gold Coast! At least they're getting some return from the europeans after all they have been thru. A beautiful area once you get away from the hype tho.

I'm sitting at the PC with a rug across my knees - still have the thermals on!!


Thursday 27th April

A sunny day and Dorothy took us to the Cherokee Reservation at Smoky Mountain.

Moira was interested in seeing something of the local indigenous people. Well I thought it was like the Gold Coast - tinsely and brash (also the odd fibro teepee - to compete with our Humpty Doo pink buffalo)- even had a casino!

In fact the museum and arts and craft centre were excellent. Ironic that the Cherokee people are now fleecing the europeans who frequent the casino - no substitute for what the've lost tho.

We met chief Whitefeather at the top of a scenic chair lift ride. He was there in his "hospitality" mode taking photos of people as they arrived at the summit. He also made blow pipes and was giving demos.

Learnt a little of what was going on there with their land rights and survival of culture. Apparently there are still some full blood Cherokee living in some of the furthest valleys in the reservation. Moira is going to keep contact with him by email.

More to come - you must await the next exciting episode!! Sent off some more photos today.


26th April

It's bloody freezing here so we're about to go off for a walk. There's a large bookshop up the road so we're going to peruse the travel section. I might have some lunch there as they also have a coffee shop and it is 1445 and I'm hungry. It's probably too expensive to hire a car, we might Greyhound it to Florida and then New Orleans - looking for a boat passage to Mexico, if possible. otherwise we'll use the bus pass to get us to El Paso and into Mexico.

It has been wet and cold and we have done very little. I'm ready to move on, probably on Monday. Dorothy was going to take us out but as weather is bad she has gone to work instead. John took me out for my first drive the other day. It wasn't too bad but could get exciting when there is lots of traffic and I want to do left hand turns!!

Will endeavour to get an exciting travelogue going as it is too hard keeping up with all the emails.


22nd April

It is Good Friday today. The yanks don't celebrate Easter, so it isn't a public holiday or anything. Apparently has something to do with having such a large Jewish population and being sensitive!

The weather here is quite warm and pleasant. We've been taking it easy as Moira has been under par with headaches. Her family are very nice. Dorothy is Moira's mothers youngest sister, one of those afterthought babes, so is roughly our age. After she worked off her obligation to the Fijian teachers dept she and partner John came to the USA for him to do his PhD, and they have stayed. John is a professor of economics at UNCC.

As semi New Zealanders they are normal by our standards, possibly not by American ones tho. I think they stay basically because of Johns work and the fact that their daughter is American now.

We went into downtown Charlotte for a wander the other day. It's modern with quite aesthetically pleasing architecture. It's also quite a small town, so manageable. Dorothy has since told me that all the beautiful old buildings were pulled down over night - the same old story where money talks. I quite like what they have built I have to say.

We used the free internet service at the library but it's not supposed to be used for emailing.

The place is very green and very pretty. The houses are a bit like in Gone With the Wind, grand and on large blocks of land and very southern.

Have been into the shops and can say I don't think much of next seasons summer outfits for women. Haven't looked to see what glamorous gear you could be wearing next season George!

Went out to dinner in a pub the other night for John's birthday. We've been trying some southern dishes. Tried BBQed pork, grilled chicken and crab and shrimp casserole - none of which is a patch on Thai food.

We have just posted a note on the Thorn Tree to see if we can get some hints on catching a boat from either New Orleans or Florida to Mexico - we await with interest. We still haven't worked out how we'll get to New Orleans!

As I say Moira has been close to moribund the last few days, so I've been resting and wandering around the suburbs looking at house and gardens. Also been playing ball with Dakota, dorothy's mad golden retriever dog!

Sending off my first film today George (Good Friday) so should take a week to Brisbane and then a week to you. Even have a bridge photo in for you.

Poor Jan will she go (to Dili)????
